Welcome to the neighborhood house ORANGERIE ...

... a house for everyone!

Bild der Kiezspinne

The ORANGERIE neighborhood house was opened on October 22, 2005.


District center Lichtenberg and "House for all generations".


As the social center and "heart" of the neighborhood, our neighborhood house contributes significantly to the improvement of living conditions, the creation of a social coexistence in the residential area Frankfurter Allee Süd (FAS) and increases the attractiveness of the residential area.

We promote voluntary and voluntary engagement.


 We offer a wide range of social, cultural and health-promoting offers.

We create opportunities for encounters and thus counteract anonymity in the neighborhood.

We promote the integration of people with a migration background and people with disabilities.

We promote health self-help and peaceful coexistence in the neighborhood.


Our ORANGERIE neighborhood house has been offering space for a wide range of neighborhood work and self-help activities since October 2005. Around 4500 visitors per month use the offers of the different genres such as information; Further education; Consultation; Children, adolescents & families; Arts & crafts; Media work; Generation 60+ and health self-help.


In addition, there are dedicated groups that are based in our ORANGERIE neighborhood house, such as the IG Heimatgeschichte, the literature café, the photo circle and the singing group.


Cooperation with associations and initiatives is essential to strengthen the neighborhood structures. The approximately 100 members include local and national associations and organizations in addition to the citizens.


Neighbors created platforms such as the Frankfurter Allee Süd forum to implement common ideas and projects in the neighborhood.


You are welcome to use our rooms for your events and celebrations.

Our neighborhood house is open: Monday to Friday | 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. and Saturday | 2 p.m. - 8 p.m.